How to Start Right

Written by: Andrew Lau

Pictures, Certificates, our first published article, our first dollar made as an entrepreneur, the first sketch drawn by our kids…

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Why do we put frames on things such as these? Why do we hang it up on the wall or display it somewhere visible? Is there a message we want to convey or is it there to remind us of certain memories? 

When something is framed up, it tells 3 different stories about what’s inside the frame. 

1. A frame is used to focus our attention to what’s on the inside. A frame says “This is Important”.

2. A frame is used to protect what’s on the inside. A frame says “This is Precious”.

3. A frame is used to accentuate what’s on the inside. A frame says “This is Worthy”.

Regardless of our roles as a leader, employee, student, parent, brother, sister, colleague or friend; what’s “on the inside” that you’re trying to frame in your life?  I believe these are 3 questions we can ask ourselves:

1. What’s “on the inside” that I am trying to bring focus to?
2. What’s “on the inside” that I am trying to protect?
3. What’s “on the inside” that I am trying to accentuate?

Is it an ideal, a set of values, a group of people, a way of life, an unmet achievement, emotions or a moment that reminds you what’s “on the inside”? 

If we want to start the year right, we should think about what is important, what is precious and what is worthy to us. It could be about a goal in the future, it could be lessons from the past, or it could be about living in the here and now. Whatsoever it is, I would like for us to think about these things.

Lastly, let’s take one step further together. At the end of the day, what ultimately matters is what we do with it. So as much as we reflect, we need to respond. Respond not because we want to put on a show for others to see… but respond because these things are important, precious and worthy to us and our loved ones. This, in my opinion, is how we start the year right.